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Career and College Planning
Career Clusters
Groups of similar occupations and industries, developed by the US Department of Education as a way to organize career planning. To find out more about the career cluster program and get the lastest information about the 16 career clusters, visit the States' Career Clusters initiative at www.careerclusters.org
Additional information can be found at:
College and career planning for 8th, 9th and 10th grade students. This program focuses on four steps families should focus on to prepare for post secondary planning.
Click below for more information:
Career Cruising

An internet based career exploration and planning tool used by students to develop a career plan. To find out more about what your child is doing to prepare for their future, log on to the career curising homepage using Dawes' access information:
User name: dawes
Password: guidance
Web address:
View the For Parents: What is Career Cruising document for an overview of the program.